Universality and Tolerance
If there is a unique attribute that our world has, it is diversity in both culture and belief. Therefore, any system, which claims universality, should have tolerance towards other cultural and religious practices as a non-negotiable principle.
If there is a unique attribute that our world has, it is diversity in both culture and belief. Therefore, any system, which claims universality, should have tolerance towards other cultural and religious practices as a non-negotiable principle.
In this section of the book, light will be shed on the principle of tolerance based on historical evidence drawn from prac- tices of several religions and ideologies in comparison to Islam. Since the previous section re- vealed the exclusive basis of Jewish intolerance, I will begin with Christianity, which some believe manifests the kind- ness and gentility of Christ (pbuh)
But when we apply an historical examination, the conclusion is completely the op- posite. Regardless of the teachings of Christianity and Judaism that started at the hand of the most tolerant among people, the prophets of Allah, a lot has emerged which can never be part of their teachings but added over the ages.
Let's look at what the Christian Crusaders did to the Muslims when they waged wars against them and when they occupied Jerusalem. These wars were referred to as The Holy Wars, which were conducted with the blessings of the Pope and under the banner of the Christian religious leaders.

Although Jerusalem was surrounded for more than a month, its inhabitants resisted the Crusaders' invasion cou- rageously. When the Crusaders finally won, they rushed through the streets killing, destroying and burning whatever they saw in their way. They did not differentiate between men, women or children.
The massacre lasted for the whole night. On Friday, 15th of June 1099, the Crusaders stormed the gates of Al-Aqsaa Mosque and killed all those who were tak- ing refuge inside it. Ibn Al-Atheer described the massacre in his book Al-Kamil as follows: The Crusaders killed more than 70 thousand people. Some of those who were killed were Muslim scholars, erudites and adorationists who left their countries to dwell near the holy places. They stole more than 40 silver lanterns from the Holy Rock, each costing at least 3600 (silver Dirhams).
In his book, The Arab Civilization, the French histo- rian, Gustave Le Bon described the Crusaders' entry into Jerusalem, saying:
The Crusaders' behavior, when they entered Jerusalem, was quite different
In turn, the priest of Bolol City, Raymond Dagile, de- scribed this incident in history by saying:
What happened among the Arabs when our people [the Christians] conquered Jerusalem's walls and towers was really puzzling; some of them [the Muslims] were head-cut, others were stabbed, so that they were forced to throw themselves down the walls, others were burnt alive, so there could not be along Jerusalem roads except Arabs' heads, legs, and hands, so that we cannot avoid walking in corpses and this was just a sample of what happened.
Khalil Toutah and Bolous Shehadeh (Christian writers) recounted that massacre, declaring that:
What the Crusaders did in the place where Jesus was crucified and buried (according to the Christian Bible) is really shameful and sinful. Jesus taught his disciples to love their enemies; but the crusaders, whose ideal was the holy cross, killed women, children and the elderly people. Even those who escaped to Aqsaa were followed by Godephry who was known as the protector of the Holy Tomb, and when he was in Java to fight the Egyptians, he became sick and asked his followers to take him back to Jerusalem where he died. He was buried in the Nativity Church.
Unfortunately the crusade is not a thing of the past, as some might think.
It continued with many influential Chris- tian influential personalities of the present. Though many Christians positively regard it, Jews and Muslims, on the other hand, maintain very bitter memories about its bloody history. Christian missionaries of the past and the present view their work of seducing people to convert as a crusade.
Politicians view their double standard policy against other nations as a crusade. In other words, tolerating others is not part of the Christian agenda. It is not fair to deny the original teachings of the prophets (PBUT). They taught tolerance and practiced it.
They brought guidance and light. However, the grave distortions of their teachings resulted in crusades, inquisitions, slavery, discrimination, colonization and treat- ing people with double standards.
In the name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful! This is what the Servant of God, Omar, Amir of the believers, gave to Elia's inhabitants concerning the safety of their properties, money, churches, etc. Their churches should not be demolished. They should not be harmed or forced to accept a religion against their will. This should be guaranteed by the Khalifah and all Muslims, and monitored by Allah and His Prophet (PBUH), as long as the other side adheres to it and pays the Jezyah. As a matter of fact, Omar was the first to liberate Jerusalem from the Roman occupation.